There is another corpus of Gospels that paint a very different picture of Jesus than the ones found in our Bibles today. In these Gospels, special attention is given to Jesus' early years, especially the wonder at his divine nature from birth through childhood. And his teaching is quite different–more mysterious–and even certain characters are given more prominent roles in Jesus' life and the plan of redemption that took him to the cross. Who is the Jesus of the Aocryphal Gospels? This book gives readers a synthesis of these Jesus stories. The result is a story of Jesus' life based on the Apocryphal Gospels, one story so you can be familiar with them all. Kindle Paperback
La crítica textual del nuevo testamento
En este libro, queremos ver por qué tenemos diferencias de texto entre nuestras versiones del Nuevo Testamento, la necesidad de la crítica textual. También, queremos hablar sobre qué es la crítica textual y los criterios que utilizamos para evaluar diferentes cuestiones textuales tal como las encontramos en el Nuevo Testamento. Tercero, queremos abordar algunos de los conceptos erróneos relacionados con la crítica textual, especialmente la afirmación de que la Biblia tiene errores. Paperback
Those footnotes in your new testament
A Textual Criticism Primer for Everyone
Have you ever seen a passage in the New Testament that was placed in brackets, or a footnote at the bottom of a page referring to “ancient authorities” or “manuscripts”? Most people scratch their heads and just keep reading, but these notes are very important. So is understanding why they’re even there. In this short introduction, Thomas W. Hudgins explains for the average reader the need for, criteria of, and some misconceptions associated with New Testament textual criticism. Kindle Paperback
Getting into the text
new testament essays in honor of david alan black
David Alan Black has been one of the leading voices in New Testament studies over the last forty years. His contributions to Greek grammar, textual criticism, the Synoptic problem, the authorship of Hebrews, and many more have challenged scholars and students to get into the text of the New Testament like never before and to rethink the status quo based on all the evidence. The present volume consists of thirteen studies, written by some of Black's colleagues, friends, and former students, on a number of New Testament topics in honor of his successful research and teaching career. Not only do they address issues that have garnered his attention over the years, they also extend the scholarly discussion with up-to-date research and fresh evaluations of the evidence, making this book a valuable contribution in itself to the field that Black has devoted himself to since he began his career. Kindle Paperback
The Hidden Life of Jesus
The discovery of the so-called Nag Hammadi Library rocked the world. Among the texts discovered in 1945 were some Gospels that modern eyes had never seen. Since then, studies regarding the life and teaching of Jesus of Nazareth have made significant advances. As this new light was cast on one of history's most influential figures (if not the most influential), a dark cloud of doubt moved in almost simultaneously. Had the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John reflected the real Jesus, or was this new attention on the "hidden" Gospels about to unveil the "hidden life" of the Revealer? The canonical Gospels say very little about the early years of Jesus' life. In fact, Mark and John say nothing. The so-called apocryphal Gospels, on the other hand, say a whole lot. After an analysis of the first two chapters of Matthew and Luke (Part 1), the information found in the so-called apocryphal Gospels is synthesized in story form (Part 2). What should we think of this hidden life? In the end, the reader must decide. But this hidden life is hidden no longer. Of course, that all depends on whether the events they describe actually happened. Kindle Paperback Hardback
aprenda a leer el griego del nuevo testamento
Un gran recurso disponible actualizado por primera vez en español, esta gramática introductoria escrita por David Alan Black es fácil de usar. Se mantiene la discusión de la gramática lo más básica posible. Las explicaciones son simplificadas, y se incluye los vocabularios básicos. Tiene muchos ejercicios que están diseñados para preparar al estudiante para los cursos prácticos subsiguientes en la exégesis, mientras que el énfasis lingüística sienta las bases para cursos posteriores en la gramática. Si quieres estudiar el Nuevo Testamento con un nuevo enfoque y profundidad, este libro te ayudará en gran manera. Kindle Paperback Logos
Luke 6:40 and the Theme of Likeness education in the new testament
What does Jesus mean when he says, "A disciple is not above his teacher, but each disciple, after being fully trained, will be like his teacher" (Luke 6:40)? This verse has been quoted, cited, and referenced in vast amounts of Christian education and discipleship literature. Nevertheless, the verse is nearly untouched in exegetical discussions with the exception of source-critical analyses. From this verse arises an undeveloped theme in the Gospel of Luke and the New Testament-the theme of likeness education. Using content analysis methodology, Luke 6:40-one of the keystone passages in Christian education literature-serves as the starting point for mining out the theme of likeness education in the New Testament. This study consists of three concentric areas of investigation: (1) Luke 6:40 and its immediate context, (2) Luke-Acts, and (3) the New Testament corpus. Paperback Hardback
Eight exegetical steps
Studying the biblical texts involves more than just reading it. That's right: Reading the Bible is not the same as studying the Bible. This short booklet introduces readers to eight important steps needed to study the Bible, from understanding the historical and cultural settings of each text to synthesizing what biblical texts contribute to one's theology.
With Contributions To
linguistics and new testament greek: Key issues in the current debate
"Electronic Tools and New Testament Greek." Abstract: The goal of learning New Testament Greek for most is not the grammar itself but to use that knowledge in the study and interpretation of New Testament texts. The following discussion presents some resources available to students of New Testament Greek in digital format aimed at facilitating a new and richer approach to using Greek in one's study of the New Testament. Paperback
Discourse analysis of the New Testament writings
"Philippians." Abstract: Is Paul's letter to the Philippians about joy, as so many scholars have indicated? Not if we evaluate the letter paying attention to discourse markers and structure. This discourse analysis is an example of how to move through a letter discourse, particularly one that is corrective in nature, and identify the mainline material in the various sections of the letter. Paperback
Greeks, Jews, and Christians: Historical, Religious, and Philological Studies in Honor of Jesús Peláez del Rosal
"Jesus on Anger (Matt 5,22a): A History of Recent Scholarship." Abstract: The text of Matt 5,22a continues to be a hotbed of discussion among scholars of the New Testament. Is the word εἰκῇ original or not? Most scholars think not. This essay explores the question: What have scholars been saying about this variant since the publication of David Alan Black's Novum Testamentum article in 1988?
In Mari Via tua: Philological Studies in HonoUr of Professor Antonio Piñero
"Paul’s Unique Appeal to Mimesis in Gal 4,12." Abstract: The first direct imperative in Galatians is an appeal for imitation—Paul’s exhortation for the Galatian believers to be like him (Gal 4,12), the most difficult appeal for imitation in the New Testament. In what way was Paul telling the Galatians to imitate him, and in what way was he imitating them?
Martin Luther: A Christian Between Reforms and Modernity (1517–2017)
Enrique García Hernán's "Anti-Lutheran Reformer: Ignatius” (translated from Spanish)
Antonio Gerace's "Justification by Faith: A History of the Debate" (translated from Italian)
Fortunatae: Revista Canaria de Filología, Cultura y Humanidades Clásicas
"The Greek Column of the Complutensian New Testament and the Plausibility of Vatican Manuscripts." Abstract: Did Greek manuscripts belonging to the Vatican Library serve as the basis for the text of the Greek column of the Complutensian New Testament? In the study that follows, a comparison is made of the Complutensian Greek text of Matthew 8 and the manuscripts housed in the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. Online
Encyclopedia of the bible and its reception
Filología neotestamentaria
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